This is also my first time away from Jonas. I am sure I'll miss him while gone but I must also admit that I am looking forward to getting a couple of nights sleep without someone calling in the middle of the night:-)
Jonas will be with dad all weekend:-)
Work is going really well - I guess it has taken a while to get back into it after my maternity leave, but I am getting there.
We get the keys to our house on February 1st - did I mention that already? If yes, it is just because I am so excited. Jesper's parents will be in Copenhagen to help us with painting etc. And even though the house is not that big, it has a couple of extra rooms so there is a very good reason to visit Copenhagen (hint, hint you girls out there!)
Guess that's it from now - next update will be with pictures from Vienna - yeah.
Have a great weekend everyone!
PS: the bird is just a toy, not a real one for those who might have thought that