onsdag den 25. marts 2009

And more baby...

The last couple of months have been all baby posts and I am afraid that this post will continue with more updates on Jonas.

Last week we went baby swimming for the first time.

Both Jesper and I were in the pool with him. It was a lot of fun and Jonas even got his head under water.

Afterwards we had a very very tired baby...I can only recommend this if you need a quiet afternoon:-)

On the last picture Jonas wears the right colors - IU colors - and the onesie even has his name embroidered on it - so cute, thanks Smitty.

søndag den 1. marts 2009

A new life for the Gretster

Boy, how life changes with a little one. We just went to visit my colleagues at my company this week and I realized how far far away work is right now. The days go by so quickly and it has been almost three months since my maternity leave started.

This week Jonas and I also started to after birth gym - it felt SO GOOD to do some real exercise again and even though I felt sore the day after it was definitely worth it. After exercise there was "tea hour" for the moms talking about baby stuff and I actually really enjoyed it - yep, I guess it is fair to say that new stuff and conversations (I did not think I would have!) are filling up my days.