Jesper and I got to go out one night. As some of you know, Haderslev is not the largest town even seen, but a new cute little place had just opened and we decided to eat dinner there. It was great food, good wine - we had a Tina wine - and very nice with an adult night out.
Now all the national holidays are over and we are looking forward to summer vacation. In Denmark everyone has at least 5 weeks a year, and most companies want employees to take at least three weeks in July/August. We don't have any crazy plans for our vacation - I wish we could have gone to the States (it has simply been too long and Anne's wedding would have been the perfect occasion). I miss the States all a lot still which I find strange (will that ever go away?). I mean, it has been 7 years since I returned to Denmark now and still it comes back to me - I do miss it! I have a secret dream to go live there again for a couple of years - don't know if it will ever happen - but it is my little dream:-)
Oh, and yes, the little guy has started to talk quite a bit - so cute how he repeats words that we say.